Jonathan Cirillo

Software Engineer


Software Engineer
August 2023 - Present | Seattle, WA
Link to company

Tools & Technologies: Python, Docker, GitSwarm, Selenium, Linux

  • Supporting F5’s next-gen rSeries and VELOS products as a member of the Velocity System Integration team.


Backend Applications Developer Intern
May 2023 – August 2023 | Remote

Tools & Technologies: Go, Azure, Kubernetes, Docker, CouchDB, MongoDB, Consul, Grafana

  • Supported 100+ Go microservices within an Azure Kubernetes Services environment.
  • Optimized a core service’s performance by transitioning blacklisted user storage from array to map structure, achieving 100x to 1000x faster data lookups.
  • Leveraged CouchDB and Consul for local testing of updates.
Credit/Payments Applications Developer Intern
Aug 2022 – April 2023 | Remote

Tools & Technologies: Java, Powershell, Cherwell

  • Investigated software issues affecting pin-pads in all North American Stores as a member of payments team.
  • Conducted root cause analysis of software bugs potentially impacting millions of customers at 1000+ stores.
  • Identified production faults with APIs & firewalls, saving the company from thousands in potential $ losses.
Software Engineer Intern
May 2022 – Aug 2022 | Remote

Tools & Technologies: C#, SQL, .NET, WPF, Bitbucket

  • Assisted development of new merchandise planning application, boosting productivity for hundreds of staff
  • Created data in MS SQL for quality assurance testing of planning app and validated APIs using SwaggerHub.

Link to Company

Informa Software

Software Engineer Intern
Jan 2022 – May 2022 | Maitland, FL

Tools & Technologies: JavaScript, C#, Liquid Office, Budibase

  • Created user-friendly forms and business solutions for companies in diverse industries.
  • Led research into cloud-hosting solutions, which could potentially diminish existing hosting expenses by 35%.
  • Produced comprehensive technical documentation, and facilitated meetings to demonstrate findings.

Link to company

Papa Diesel's BBQ

Web Developer / Food Truck Staff
August 2021 – Present | Orlando, FL

Tools & Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

  • Helped create an updated, more functional website for company.
  • Assists with various duties aboard the food truck such as, taking orders, preparing food, cutting meats, carrying and loading equipment, daily sanitization of the work environment, and overall quality assurance

Link to website

NBC Sports

Microphone Operator
March 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 | Orlando, FL | (SEASONAL)

  • Assisted the NBC PGA Golf Tour, providing sound and running wireless microphones for a nationally televised broadcast featuring the world’s best at the annual Arnold Palmer Invitational Tournament

Link to company

Chess Instructor

Chess Instructor at Local Elementary School
January 2019 - June 2019 | Orlando, FL

  • Former competitive chess player
  • Hired to teach chess strategy in an after-school setting


Augmented Reality Cooking Simulator (CuttingBoard) | 2023

Tools & Technologies: Flutter, Dart, Unity, C#, Python, Firebase, Figma, Blender

  • Lead backend developer at startup.
  • Part of pitching team for UCF Joust Competition for Student Entrepreneurs.
  • Engineered APIs for efficient app-to-database communication and dynamic data presentation to UI.
  • Deployed open-source ’GLTFUtility’ plugin for real-time instantiating of 3D assets from Firebase storage.
  • Conceptualized & constructed a system design model that minimized DB requests saving hundreds in costs.
  • Instituted user authentication supporting Google and Facebook, utilizing Firebase for user data storage.
  • Utilized OpenAI's API to implement a GPT-4 Plugin into Blender to create models via automated scripting

Link to website:

Parallel Chess AI

Java Chess Engine & Multi-threaded AI | 2023

Tools & Technologies: Java, IntelliJ, LaTeX, Overleaf

  • Developed a robust Java-based chess engine with a multi-threaded AI using alpha-beta pruning.
  • Authored a research paper detailing 270% performance increase achieved through paralellizing alpha-beta.

Link to GitHub repository:

Link to Paper: Multi-threaded Chess AI


Spotify Web/Mobile Application | 2022

Tools & Technologies: MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js, Jest, React Native, Android Studio, Expo, Lucidchart

  • Led development of a Spotify web and mobile application called ‘Trendify’ that allowed users to connect their account and view in-depth listening data & track information.
  • Utilized Spotify’s API to fetch data and implemented a secure user login system.

Link to project:

Link to GitHub repository:

Portfolio Website

Portfolio Site built using HTML5 and CSS3

Tools & Technologies: HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, JavaScript, ThreeJs, Node.js, Express

See Sandbox tab for some random features such as:

  • Weather Fetcher: Get the current weather for any city using the OpenWeatherMap API.
  • Trivia Game: Test your knowledge with a trivia game powered by the OpenTDB API.
  • Random Joke: Enjoy a random joke fetched from the JokeAPI using their REST API.
  • ChatGPT Chatbot: Interact with an AI-powered chatbot using the OpenAI API.
  • NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day: Discover NASA's featured image of the day using their APOD API.
  • Three.js: Rotating 3D cube & torus on the landing page, created using Three.js.
  • Useless Facts: Get random or today's useless fact using the Useless Facts API.
  • Google Maps: Explore a map centered on New York City using the Google Maps JavaScript API.

Link to Project:

Link to GitHub repository:

Professor Contacts

LAMP Stack Contact Manager | 2022

Tools & Technologies: Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

  • Led development of contact-manager web application.
  • Users can create, update, delete and view all their contacts.
  • Implemented password hashing and lazy-loading

Link to project:

Link to GitHub repository:

React Games

React Minigames Webapp

Tools & Technologies: React.js, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Netlify

  • Created to learn more about and mess around with React.
  • Currently features various games, including:
    • Number Guesser
    • Rock Paper Scissors
    • Tic-Tac-Toe
    • Card Matching
    • Whac-A-Mole
    • Snake
    • Button Dodging
    • WebGL Unity Game
  • Will eventually turn this WebApp into something more substantial.

Link to project:

Link to GitHub repository:

React + Python

Apartment Data Visualizer

Tools & Technologies: React, JavaScript, Python, Flask, PostgresSQL

This project scrapes apartment floorplan data from various websites and provides a visual representation of one-bedroom apartments, categorizing them based on price and size.

Link to GitHub repository:

Go Microservice

Calculation Service written in Go

Tools & Technologies: Go, MongoDB, Go-Kit, Docker, Kubernetes

  • This service supports basic mathematical operations such as: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  • The service also logs each operation performed to a MongoDB Atlas database.

Link to GitHub repository:

Flask + Python

Web app for storing notes written in Python

Tools & Technologies: Python, Flask, SQLAlchemy, CSS, HTML

  • In this application, users are able to create, store, delete, and view existing notes.
  • This app employs fully-functional login and sign-up incorporating password hashing.
  • All user info is dynamically stored to and loaded from an SQL database via SQLAlchemy.
  • This project was built to practice using Python for development.

Link to GitHub repository:

Flutter + Firebase

Web app built using Flutter with a Firebase Backend

Tools & Technologies: Flutter, Dart, Firebase

  • The application was built to practice flutter and learn how to implement Google Authentication using Oath 2.0 and Google's People API
  • Firebase Authentication is used for handling user sign-in, and Firebase Hosting is used to deploy the web application.

Link to Project:

Link to GitHub repository:

Svelte + TypeScript

Web app built using Svelte and TypeScript

Tools & Technologies: Svelte, TypeScript, Vite, ThreeJs

  • The application was built to practice TypeScript and learn how to use Svelte
  • Currently offers a coin flip betting game that allows users to purchase ThreeJs objects with winnings
  • Will turn this into something more substantial.

Link to Project:

Link to GitHub repository:

MIPS Processor

MIPS Processor Emulator written in C | 2021

Tools & Technologies: C, MIPS

  • This code is a simple model of the MIPS Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) implemented in C.
  • This program simulates the execution of a MIPS binary program.
  • Operations of a MIPS CPU are implemented, including: fetch, decode, and execution of instructions, memory reads/writes, and register reads/writes.

Link to GitHub repository:



Kaggle Machine Learning Competitions | 2021

Tools & Technologies: Python, NumPy, Sklearn, Tensorflow, Keras, and Pandas

  • Built a Convolutional Neural Network that classifies clothing on the Fashion-MNIST dataset with 94% accuracy
  • Constructed a Sequential Neural Network that predicts the atomization energy of molecules on the QM7 dataset

Link to Kaggle Website:

Link to GitHub repository:

IBM Z Xplore

IBM Master the Mainframe Competiton | 2018

Tools & Technologies: REXX, COBOL, VSAM, REGEX, JCL, Python, Db2, SQL

  • Stage 2 Finalist in the annual IBM Master the Mainframe Competition now known as ‘IBM Z Xplore’
  • Received hands-on experience within the z/OS system utilizing a variety of technologies and programming languages

Link to Competition Website:

MIT Zero Robotics

MIT Zero Robotics Competition | 2017

Tools & Technologies: C, SPHERES Simulator

  • Member of team that reached final stages in the tournament
  • Write code for satellites on the International Space Station to complete challenges

Link to Competition Website:

My Education

University of Central Florida | B.S. in Computer Science
Graduated August 2023 | Orlando, FL
Link to university

Relevant Coursework:

  • Parallel Computing (Java, Rust, C++)
  • Robot Vision (C, C++, Python)
  • Algorithms for Machine Learning (Python)
  • Matrix and Linear Algebra
  • Object Oriented Programming (Java)
  • Object Oriented Software Development (JavaScript)
  • Programming Languages (Haskell, JavaScript, C++, C#)
  • Intro to C Programming
  • Computer Logic and Organization (C)
  • Operating System Architecture (C)
  • Security in Computing (Java, C)
  • Topics in Cybersecurity
  • Technical Writing
  • UI/UX for Web Applications (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Computer Science 1 (Data Structures) (C)
  • Computer Science 2 (Algorithms) (Java)
  • Discrete Structures 1
  • Discrete Structures 2
  • Senior Design 1
  • Senior Design 2
Rock Climbing Tower Attendant
Dec 2021 - July 2023
  • Tasked with belaying students using the rock wall at the UCF Recreation and Wellness Center, ensuring a fun, safe, and inclusive environment.
  • Responsible for checking out equipment and maintaining inventory.
  • Required to be CPR, AED, and First Aid certified by the American Red Cross.
  • Rock Climbing Club
  • UCF Chess Club

Technical Skills

Programming Languages: JavaC# • C • JavaScriptPythonSQLLaTeXGoDart

Data Management & Tools: MongoDBFirebaseMSSQLMySQLAzureGitHubJiraBitbucketDockerKubernetes

Libraries, Frameworks, & IDEs: React.jsNode.jsPandasKeras.NETUnityVS CodeIntelliJFlutter




Chess Puzzle

class ="widget"

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